Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month while focusing on God’s faithfulness with these special resources.
Special Edition —

Faith to Overcome

How do you press on when all the odds are against you? With Faith to Overcome, journey through 28 inspiring devotionals and testimonials written by brothers and sisters who utilized their faith to get them through times of adversity.

Reading Plan —

Faith to Overcome

Experience the empowering words of Faith to Overcome through your preferred mobile device! Access the 10-day reading plan edition through the Our Daily Bread app!

New Book Release —

Prayer and Pen: The Prayers and Legacy of Carl Murphy, Publisher of the AFRO American Newspaper (1922–1967)

Reflect on the powerful words of cultural pioneer Carl Murphy and learn from his remarkable legacy of finding solace and strength in consistent prayer.

Black History Month Resources —

More From VOICES

Forever Faithful

Forever Faithful shares stories illustrating how God has been faithful to His followers in the Black community. 

Voices of Faith

Voices of Faith captures God’s divine interaction in the lives of Africans as they were scattered across Africa and to the Americas, Caribbean, and Europe.  

On the Shoulders of Giants

On the Shoulders of Giants encourages you to rely on God in every situation as you recall the courageous faith of those who’ve gone before us.

Celebrate Hope

Celebrate Hope empowers us to learn from our history, find opportunities for healing, and gain the strength to build a better future. 

Watch —

The VOICES Collection of Daily Video Devotionals

Our Daily Bread Publishing —

VOICES Collection

Check out these other great resources from VOICES that tell stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of Black image bearers.

Unshakable Faith

Our Struggle, Our Hope, Our Victory

Tell the Story

Share Your Voice

Interested in becoming a contributor? Reach out to us and lets explore opportunities to publish your work!

Sho Baraka

Artist, Author

Sho Baraka is an internationally known recording artist and speaker. He’s the highlighted artist on the “Juneteenth: Faith & Freedom” soundtrack.

Joyce Dinkins

Writer, Editor
Dinkins served as the first Executive Editor of VOICES and oversaw the publication of the VOICES books and devotionals that were created in that time. She continues to contribute to VOICES, while also serving as the director of Publishing in Color which exists to increase the number of books published by spiritual writers of color.